Thursday, March 13, 2008

Psychic - the "P" Word

There's a wonderful piece by Mary K. Greer on her tarot blog, about how tarot readers describe themselves. For example, some describe themselves as "psychic", some as "intuitive", and still others describe what they do as "therapeutic." The entire article, plus comments (including one of my own) bears reading in detail. But the following comment by Mary is particularly noteworthy:

Unfortunately, very few of us can be truly psychic “on demand.” It tends to be stronger at certain times than others. Psychic readers have to appear as if they’re “on” all the time, which leads to a lot of abuse of the credulity of the public - such as using suggestive generalities and other tricks in place of real insights - sometimes without even realizing what they are doing.

I do not claim to be psychic. Mostly, my readings deal with where a person is right now, and how that might have a bearing on the future. My aim is to empower people to be able to deal with what the future brings. Or as Mary so eloquently puts it: Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way.

There's little doubt that "psychic" sells, and the fact that I steadfastly refuse to use the "P" word in my advertising, web site, and elsewhere probably harms my business. But if that's the price I pay for my "no B.S." approach, then so be it. I've seen how a tarot reading can benefit people, and I simply cannot allow myself not to help anyone who needs a reading. That's one reason I have my "pay what you will" policy. Also, I hope that even though I don’t claim to be able to predict the winning lottery numbers, I’ll still attract the occasional “average Joe (or Jane)” and be able to convince them that there is much to gain from my kind of reading.


Foucault said...

For some reason, Mary K. Greer was not able to post her comment directly, but e-mailed me, requesting that I post the following for her:

"Thanks for the mention of my blog. I love your no nonsense approach to reading the tarot. I wish more people would be so straight-forward. Although there is a place for psychic information in a tarot reading, it can also be disempowering to a querent in that all the power of knowing is perceived to lie outside of the that person.

Mary K. Greer"

I'm thrilled to get a comment from Mary, of course, especially as I completely agree with her about this. A reading is not about me and how great I might be; it's about you. Whether or not I possess any "powers" is not really important. What's important are the powers within you that will help you create your own destiny.

Anonymous said...

I just bought Enrique's book, after reading your blog. :) I've only been seriously studying the Marseille for a few days, but I've really enjoyed some of your posts on Aeclectic, as well as some of your past TdM readings. I hope you're still deep into your Noblet.

Mosaica on Aeclectic
Cheree on Blogger

Foucault said...

Hi Cheree - thanks for your comments. If you want to discuss any aspects of using the Noblet with me, I'd be delighted to do so.

Marseille Music said...

Have you seen EE's Marseille Seeker's thread in the Reading Exchange forum on Aeclectic? He's offering six weeks worth of exercises, and he's now on week two. (It's too late to participate, -- he only took ten people -- but I'm following along and doing the exercises on my own.) Truly amazing stuff, if you want to learn more about EE's method of reading with the TdM! I remember you said you were wishing he had developed certain points more fully in his book. He's not holding anything back here!

Music of Chance/Cheree